Saturday, August 28, 2010


Making your own website seems pretty hard. But it can be so easy. Weebly is an online site that you can create, personalise and share you very own webpage. Using weebly in school can enhance creativity with students. Simply get each student to create there own webpage on a topic of there choice and set a task outline on the general information and audience in witch they have to present it. The students can then access each other’s sites and in a fun creative way learn new things about different topics and even comment and add opinions on the said topic. Though creating your own website can be a daunting challenge for some students for others it can be an opportunity to explore their ICT skills and create a page that is individual for those who it presents to be a challenge it can become an opportunity to learn new things about ICT and in some cases to become collaborative by working with a more sufficient and knowledgeable student they can learn new things. Many students love the opportunity to use computers in a classroom environment, it breaks the boredom of reading and copying from the board a textbook and being talked at by teachers and creates an individual and creative classroom working environment by keeping students engaged in what they are doing. In creating an activity or assignment that allows the students to contribute their individual thoughts and ideas into the creation of a webpage will enhance their learning.

You can View my weebly here : DaniiBella93

DaniiBella Xx

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