Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reflective Synopsis...

E-learning is an important process in enhancing students learning capabilities. E-Learning is the concept of combining modern and innovative technologies into the learning design process. These days technology is becoming more advanced and more commonly used by everyday people. Students are the next generation coming through and there fore the use of technology is a common thing among them so it would come as no surprise that most students in a classroom are guaranteed to own a mobile, an iPod or mp3, a digital camera and/or have access to a computer. Many students will not only own some of these items but are able to do creative and marvelling things with them (Education 2009). With the wide range of readily available technology why not make it a part of our classrooms in whatever ways we can. ICT in classrooms is already used at a minimal rate, more so in high schools then primary schools. The use of technology such as computers can be quite difficult and have limits and barriers such as computers may be limited in their use or they may be widely shared and used throughout the school. Teachers must also stay current and aware of how to use and manage operating systems in order for them to be confident in teaching students how to use these programs and ICT tools in a classroom environment. Some deterring factors for the use of ICT in planning lessons is that in some schools computers and other ICT equipment is not readily available (Education, 2009). This can mean students being exposed to no technology at in the school environment. If a teacher is not confident in using the technology effective teaching and learning will not take place (Education, 2009). Some ICT tools such as wiki spaces can be useful as a learning centre in which all students can collaborate and draw information from as a collaborative effort but these ICT tools can also be harmful for some students if not monitored. ICT in a classroom opens p a wide range and whole new state of learning strategies, ideas and styles. Computers and ICT tools are generally used for assignments and assignment submission in most learning environments. If computers are not readily available at home for students their ICT usage is nothing more then what is available in their learning environment. Students are commonly given assignment time on the computers to discover resources online and get information from their sources. Programs like Microsoft office (word, excel, powerpoint, publisher) at a basic level are being used to create and present assignments. Emails are used minimally and mainly for students to send assignments or information to and from home. High school students are restricted by the limitations put on assignments and the submission of assignments, students are and can be much more creative with the use ICT tools. Many high school students have a large range of skills and the ability to design, and structure ideas and thoughts in many much more creative ways then a simple typed or written assignment on a piece of paper. Technology has made sharing knowledge and information so much easier, but storing large amounts of information in one place where anyone and everyone can access it at any given time. This information can not only be accessed but shared between many people at the same time.

People argue that the use of educational technology is not detrimental but in fact a positive teaching strategy (Education, 2009). If the right educational technology is selected by a teacher then students could be optimized and enhanced. When used correctly educational technology will influence educational outcomes. Teachers must follow some important steps to ensure that using ICT in a classroom is in fact helpful in maximising learning (Newhouse, 2002). While computers and technology are important before bringing them into a learning environment it is necessary to decide what the students, teachers or school wants to achieve. Deciding what is needed to achieve these goals in an efficient and structured way teachers are able to use technology productively. ICT in a classroom also opens up the argument that teaching becomes technology based rather than students centred (Newhouse, 2002). Though the students are becoming more use to technology and therefore a technology-based classroom is student centred and gives them a wide range of tools and room for creativity, critical thinking, collaborative work, and individuality in a fun and educational way.

In the synopsis I have chosen to talk about 4 of the ICT tools studied in the course. These tools are online blogs, weeblys, online forums and wikispaces. The use of online blogging and using blog sites such as blogger, or Ning can allow students to create a journal online. This also allows the teacher to regularly check student’s progress, updates, thoughts, and can help teacher’s structure the lessons based on feedback from the students on what they do and don’t understand in the classes. Considering the old method of journaling, writing down your thoughts on a book and the teacher looking at it, doesn’t give you the freedom of reflecting and editing at any stage and also can be difficult to mark or comment on. The freedom of blogging, you can come back and edit your work, others can look at it and comment, and you can create a page that suits you as well as what your working on. This also gives students the opportunity to reflect not only on there own work but also on the work and thoughts of other students giving them a wider perspective on a single topic. This also give teachers the opportunity to see what a student is thinking and when they think it and how other students can relate or unrelated to the thoughts of other students as well as the teacher being able to add their own thoughts as well. This creates peer teaching and tutoring and collaborative thinking in that all other students following that persons blog can see what he/she is doing and having trouble with and may be able to help. Valuable feedback can be gained from lessons through teachers checking the blogs of students as well as helping the teacher grasp an understanding of student train of thought.(more on Blogs). The use of wiki spaces as a learning place in which students can add, retract or synthesis ideas allowing much broader teaching range than simple classroom discussions. (More on Wikis). The possibilities for ICT in a high school classroom are endless. For e.g. the simple use of PowerPoint’s, Images and resizing, Prezi, Mind mapping online, Google and Google Maps, youtube. Using online forums can also advance a students learning in that you can discuss topics and information with anyone around the world. Students have the ability with online forums to ask an expert a question or discuss a situation with people who are relevant. For e.g. Wanting to know what its like living n another state while there is a cyclone there, students can get online and find and expert on topic and find people who are living it first hand to really get a great idea of what its like to be there. Many frameworks for teachers are available in today’s learning environments. Dimensions of learning, the big 6, productive pedagogies and blooms taxonomy name a few of these extensive frameworks. I have chosen to look into the TPAK. The TPACK framework is a way to think about effective technology integration, recognizing technology, pedagogy, content and context as interdependent aspects of teachers’ knowledge necessary to teach content-based curricula effectively with educational technologies” Harris, Mishra, and Koehler (2009, p. 393). (More on TPACK)


Education, T. o. (2009). The importance of ICT. Retrieved august 20, 2010, from Ofsted:
Koeler, M., & Punya, M. (2010, June). TPAK. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from
Newhouse, P. (2002, December). The impact of ICT on learning and teaching. Retrieved auguat 24, 2010, from Western Australian department of education:

DaniiBella Xx

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