Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lesson 1 ... Managing E-leaning

Week one lesson one ...

To start i still have Wendy :) happy to still be in her class.
starting my new course of Managing E-learning
A lot more computer work ... i feel comfortable wit this subject in some ways but am glad to be learning new techniques and tools to use not only in teaching but in school myself for assignments and class work.

Some Notes:
-Wiki space used for this course is http://today5.wikispaces.com/
-http://delicious.com - Online bookmarking site - add book marks so they are accessable to you on all computers with internet. - add tabs for easy access.
-create a blog and regularly update it in and out of class using blogger - today5 holds some blog address for tother students in our class ...
- bubbl.us - mind mapping , group and solo work ... changeable by all members of a group

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